Saturday, November 29, 2014

Bagmati Clean Up Drive at 81st week

The confluence of Bishnupati and Bagmati, infront of Pachali observed the 81st Mega Bagmati Clean Up campaign where enthusiastic, torrential volunteers picked up of scattered rugs, plastics  and other superflous  stuff. The campaign at this day, was a convergence of high level government officials, municipalities, social workers, non governmental organisations, Nepal Police, media personnel, academicians, bureaucrats, students and local communities. Around 51 tonnes of scrap was collected  today and the scrap was primarily composed of plastics, rags, glass, papers, jars, old shoes and more.
Youth Posing with National Flag During the Campaign
Volunteers assembling scrap during the campaign

The BCC possess  sibling clean up drives  in Bishnumati and  Dhobikhola. The parallel campaign observed at  Bishnupati Bridge at Balaju collected more than 10 tonnes of scraps today morning.

Courtesy: Bishumati Clean Up Campaign

As concluding remarks to today's campaign, the crusader Right Honorable Chief Secretary of Nepal, Mr. Lilamani Poudel, remarked that the river clean up drive should target to motivate all the city dwellers to segregate wastes at its source from household level. He followed that the beautification of Kathmandu city observed for SAARC should be maintained. He asserted that we, the people have paid the charge to maintain the cost  and it is our concern to preserve it.

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