Saturday, December 6, 2014

82nd Bagmati Cleaning movement at Gusingal,Teku

जब सुध्रन्छ मान्छे अफैभित्र  
तब बन्छ बातावरण पवित्र !!

The Bagmati Clean Up crusade, in its 82nd week at Gusingal, Teku turned on vivacious when the Right Honorable Chief Secretary of Nepal government, Lilamani Poudel, swayed National flag at the dais shaking his legs along the persuading song on the glory Bagmati river. The crowd stirred up along the song and danced with happiness of collecting over 32 metric tonnes of trashes along the riverside. Over thousand participants representing different organisations but with cohorted efforts to save the magnificent river.

The crusaders cheering the crowd
Volunteers from different backgrounds united for common objective
Kathmandu city is suffering from garbage after the rapid urbanization of valley after the dawn of democracy in 2045 B.S. The garbage of the growing people was dumped carelessly at the river banks.This practice has left about 10 meters of pile of garbage at the Bagmati river bank at Gusingal. The volunteers with exceptional devotion pulled up the garbage as much as they could. However, it seems that the ageold, and piled since decade wastes need an strategic intervention rather manual handpulling efforts.Nevertheless, the hand pulling and manual efforts has generated tremendous self awareness to avoid further dumping of the scarps at the river banks.

Piles of previously dumped garbage at the river bank
The remarkable campaign showed large participation form women volunteers. Apart from the household chores, the women have shown considerable efforts to rehabilitate the degraded rivers. Kofi Annan once said that 'there is no tool for development, more effective than the empowerment of women'. since awareness in a woman is the awareness in the whole family and society .

Young ladies contributing to clean the adulterated river
The M.C of the day, Dr. Raju Adhikari ended up the days move sharing one of the hilarious news he encountered when he was  at Fukuwoka, Japan to receive the  Asian Township Award 2014 by UN HABITAT to Bagmati Clean Up Campaign. The story started as an untrained foreign national littered on one of the Japanese road and the crows collected the litter with their beaks and threw it in city litterbins. The story was comical yet very motivational to mainstream the crowd towards the campaign objective of being changed ownself to change others.

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