Saturday, December 20, 2014

Nobel laureate Kailash Satyarthi in 84th Bagmati Clean Up Campaign at Balkhu

The Bagmati Clean Up Campaign aroused with the presence of Nobel peace prize winner Kailash Satyarthi between thousands of volunteers at this fine Saturday morning. Chief Secreatary Lilamani Poudel, Kishor Thapa, LP Bhanu Sharma and Dr. Raju Adhikari and other crusaders greeted the world Nobel Peace Prize winner at the verge of Bagmati river near Balkhu. Kailash Satyarthi cheered the volunteers swarm and congratulated for starting such a pronounced campaign for saving Nepalese spritual and cultural treasure, The Bagmati river.

The Crusaders along with Satyarthi cheering the mob
Approximately 25 tonnes of scraps got removed from the river banks today.The scraps were mainly the left over plastics, rags, household and industrial scarps. Volunteers commented that the scarps reappeared every time they pull since the scarps has been piled in the place since decades.
Chief Secretary clearing the iterating rags
 The MC of the day, Dr Raju Adhikari said that the Campaign initially was in the initiation of handful number of organisations but the continued appreciation has attracted over hundreds of organisations. According to Chief secretary over 700 organisations has been a part of the campaign and many which partcipate regularly as a Corporate Social Responsibility.

The Advertising Association of Nepal (AAN) team including Rajkumar Bhattarai, Narayan Kaji Shrestha and others expressed the dedication of the organisation has received positive energy and progress it has received for the organisation. 

Over 25 volunteers from ICIMOD under the leadership of director general Dr. David James Molden participated in today's ceremony. ICIMOD is regional intergovernmental organisation of 8 member countries serving the Himalayas since 1983. Similarly, Nijamati Karmachari Sangh of Anamanagar, Reyukai , Department of Environment Nepal Government and many more had gracious presence with large number of volunteer participation. 
Volunteers from ICIMOD posing for photographs
The chief executive officer of Kathmandu Metropolitan City office, Dhan Bahaur Shrestha, said that KMC has started a campaign to clean gullys, roads, public areas to make whole whole Kathmandu Valley clean and green.
The initiation of KMC for clean Kathmandu
The campaign possessed large participation of women and children of all age groups. Mahila Samuha, Aama Samuha, Womens initiative for environmental conservation, housewives and many others.
Women participating in river cleaning tumult 
Members of Mahila samiha posing for photograph 
Kailash Satyarthi belongs to the land of Ganga where similar Save Ganga Movement is in progress. The campaign is a widespread Gandhian non violent movement supported by saints, popular social activists across Indian states, Bihar and Uttarpradesh. The Ganga Bachao aviyan is widely supported by activists like Acharya Jitendra, Nigamanand, Prof. G. D. Agrawal, Narendra Damodardas Modi  and many other religious leaders, spiritual and political, scientists, environmentalists, writers and social activists. 
Saints movement for Ganga Bachao Aviyan

The Mesasge: Save Ganga
The tasteful presence of Singer Krishna Kadel from Indreni club  whistled the crowd. He created instant folklares and sanitation  messages in his lyrics. He sattaired the inability to protect Bagmati since begining yet conveyed hopes to regain the river back by the ongoing initiation.

The 85th cleaning is scheduled bit downstream of the river at Balkhu. 


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